Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Semua Akan Indah Pada Waktunya

Semua Akan Indah Pada Waktunya Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Hampir semua orang di indonesia kalau ditanya soal cita-cita pasti jawabannya ingin jadi orang sukses, jutawan, miliyarder atau orang kaya raya, Tapi tidak pernah tau dalam bentuk apa mereka sukses itu, dibenak mereka pokoknya sukses punya banyak uang. Cerpen saya kali ini menceritakan tentang seorang anak laki-laki yang memiliki banyak cita-cita, dan salah satu cita-citanya menjadi kenyataan.

Sebut saja namanya Ipang, Ipang adalah seorang anak laki-laki yang cerdas dan rajin dia memiliki banyak sekali cita-cita, layaknya seorang anak anak seusianya dia memiliki banyak sekali mimpi untuk diwujudkan, ipang memiliki hobi bermain bulu tangkis suatu saat nanti dia bermimpi menjadi pemain bulu tangkis nomor 1 di dunia seperti Taufik Hidayat. ipang terlahir di keluarga yang sederhana, ayahnya Roni hanya guru olahraga dan ibunya Ulfa memiliki usaha warung bakso di depan rumah, Ipang merupakan anak yang rajin setiap pagi setelah sholat subuh ipang selalu membantu membersihkan rumah agar lebih meringankan pekerjaan ayah dan ibunya, maklum ipang adalah anak tunggal, setiap pulang sekolah Ipang selalu membantu ibunya berjualan bakso dan merapihkan dagangan jika sudah mau tutup, setelah itu sehabis sholat maghrib Ipang mengaji dan dilanjutkan belajar begitulah keseharian Ipang sehari-harinya Ipang jarang sekali menonton televisi karena menurutnya acara televisi s
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Allah SWT Memang Maha Adil

Allah SWT Memang Maha Adil Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Dari selembar kertas kutulis pengalamanku yang membuatku menangis. Menangis deras untuk sebuah benda yang hilang. Betapa pentingnya benda itu untukku dan keluargaku. Benda itu hanyalah sebuah hp dan sebuah mobil pick up yang menemani ayahku bekerja, ayahku seorang mebeler (memiliki usaha membuat kursi dan meja sekolah). Karena itu aku menangis karena untuk membeli hp saja aku harus menyisihkan uang jajanku. Dan orangtuaku pun harus memulai menabung untuk membeli mobil lagi.

Saat itu aku akan memulai kehidupan baru. yaitu MOS di SMKN 1 KARAWANG. Yang tidak lain sekolah yang kuinginkan. Aku sangat bahagia memulai kehidupan baru di SMKN 1 KARAWANG. aku adalah anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara. Kakaku adalah laki-laki yang sudah bekerja di PT kusuma Jaya sebagai drafter (gambar bangunan), dan aku seorang pelajar yang memulai kehidupannya di SMK, dan adikku yang masih duduk di TK (Taman Kanak-Kanak)

Suatu hari ada kejadian yang membuat orangtuaku terpuruk dan hampir jatuh sakit. kejadian itu saat malam hari. Betapa nyeyaknya keluargaku tidur pada malam hari itu. Pada jam 4 pagi ibuku bangun seperti biasanya. Dan ia mengintip ke jendela dan biasanya mobil parkir di depan rumah, ternyata mobil tidak ada. Ibuku langsung menjerit dan memanggil ayahku yang sedang tidur sehabis shalat tahajud. Ayahku langsung menghampiri dan semua orang yang ada di dalam rumahku bangun untuk mengha
... baca selengkapnya di Allah SWT Memang Maha Adil Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

Patung David

Patung David Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Di Florence, terdapat sebuah museum istimewa yang sengaja dibangun bagi sebuah patung David yang diciptakan oleh Michelangelo beberapa ratus tahun yang lalu. Patung itu barangkali adalah sebuah kaya patung yang paling indah di dunia. Berada secara fisik di dalam ruangan yang sama dengan patung tersebut adalah sebuah pengalaman yang tidak akan pernah dapat dilupakan.

Cerita tentang pembuatan David sangat menarik dan menjadi pelajaran berharga. Dahulu, Michelangelo diminta secara khusus oleh keluarga Medicis untuk menciptakan sebuah patung yang akan diletakkan di alun-alun Kota Florence. Keluarga Medicis adalah ?sebuah keluarga yang kaya raya dan terpandang di Italia pada zaman tersebut?. Sebuah pesanan khusus dari keluarga Medicis bukan hanya berarti sebagai sebuah kehormatan besar; pesanan seperti ini juga sebuah tugas yang tidak dapat ditolak begitu saja. Selama dua tahun penuh Michelangelo mencari sebongkah batu yang dapat dia pergunakan untuk menciptakan sebuah mahakarya bagi keluarga Medicis.

Akhirnya, di pinggir sebuah jalan di Florence, separuh tertutup semak belukar dan tertimbun lumpur, dia menemukan sebongkah besar pualam di atas sebuah titian kayu. Batu tersebut bertahun-tahun sebelumnya telah diangkut, dari pegunungan, tetapi tidak pernah dipergunakan orang.

Michelangelo telah melalui jalanan itu berkali-kaki,
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Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015



03 November 2008 – 08:54   (Diposting oleh: Hendri Bun)

Dua bulan saya nyaris absen total dari dunia maya. Dua hingga tiga bulan belakangan, saya memang sedang digempur habis oleh kesibukan atau aktivitas penulisan karya terbaru saya sekaligus pendampingan-pendampingan penulisan buku para klien. Dan, seperti kasus-kasus yang selama ini saya tangani, selalu saja ada hal menarik yang bisa dibagikan dan diambil pelajarannya.

Saya akan coba ceritakan kasus pendampingan saya dalam penulisan buku berjudul Rahasia Mendapatkan Nilai 100 (Sinotif, 2008) karya Hindra Gunawan. Kasus terakhir yang saya tangani ini terbilang sangat menarik, mengingat dalam waktu kurang dari tiga bulan, Hindra berhasil menuntaskan dan menerbitkan bukunya, sekaligus mendirikan sebuah penerbitan mandiri bernama Sinotif Publishing.

Tambah menarik lagi, mengingat si penulis adalah seorang pengajar sekaligus eksekutif lima perusahaan, yang sehari-hari benar-benar disibukkan oleh urusan bisnisnya, tetapi masih sanggup bagi waktu demi menyelesaikan penulisan buku setebal 200 halaman lebih itu. Dan, menampingi penulis-penulis “gila” semacam ini memang salah satu kegemaran saya he he he….

Baik, ketika menerima tawaran sebagai coach atau pendamping dalam proses penulisan buku ini, saya
... baca selengkapnya di BOOK COACHING: MENJADI PENDAMPING PENULIS Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Saleen 302 Blacklabel Mustang, supercharged and 625 hp or 640, depending on which of their infographics you choose to believe

Utilizing a 302 cubic inch V8 engine this pony produces a Saleen Supercharged 625HP giving this model incredible power for an incredible value.

I'd fill mine with Coca Cola and Doritos probably

Not often you see bumper stickers any more

LIFE magazine featured the Santa Fe's new Alco locomotives in the May 19, 1947 issue.

I've mentioned before that I'm not rated G, not even PG, I just seldom let fly the rated R stuff right? Then this ought to come as no surprise

For all the corrupt NYPD out there. You know what I'm sayin? Yes you do. If anyone is curious what my issue is with NYPD:

Found on

probably the coolest thing you can buy for your garage, except maybe a fridge full of beer

and then, you see someone who changes the game at the bike show... and realize, damn. That is some out of the box thinking

those mud puddles can be a lot deeper than you might imagine

all it takes to see the back woods and long abandoned train tracks. I wouldn't do this on any shiny rails, but rusty ones? You bet

two illegal immigrants hidden inside a speaker box located inside the trunk found at the Saritas border checkpoint by US Border Patrol

About 20 miles inside the USA, just South of Corpus Christi, 2 illegal aliens were detained at the Sarita checkpoint after they were found hidden inside a speaker box on Wednesday, March 18th at around 5 p.m.

U.S. Border Patrol agents encountered a woman driving a white vehicle approaching the inspection lane.

 A K-9 alerted agents to the trunk area of the car and the woman was referred to a secondary inspection where agents found two illegal immigrants hidden inside a speaker box located inside the trunk. Both reported feeling dizzy and had been inside the box for more than an hour and half.

most astonishing bike tricks I've seen... and this was 50 years ago, in heels, on stage. Not even Danny MacAskill can pull off these tricks

Lily Yokoi, the "Ballerina on the Golden Bicycle"

building what you want, from what you can find... commendable, and this mini dozer from a lawn mowing Cub Cadet is great

They were built by International Harvester, but they also had about 101 other attachments. They were over-engineered to the point of being indestructible. Cast iron Kohler engines, cast iron transaxles, and very little plastic makes them highly desirable now.

The even number Cub Cadet models were mechanically driven, the odd numbers were hydros.

Dan took his circa 1963 Cub Cadet 100 and decided it would make a sweet crawler tractor. It looks like something the factory would have turned out. He had to make clutches and controls to steer this baby, just like the early Caterpillar tractors.

Full build list of parts and info at

the Easter Jeep Safari new concepts for the 2015 event in Moab

The Stig rode a tank to the BBC offices with a million signatures on a petition started by Guido Fawkes, to tell the BBC that the people want Clarkson back on Top Gear

Police were forced to issue advisory as the Stig rode the tank through London to deliver the petition to the BBC.

The Stig delivered�s fastest ever growing campaign to the BBC bosses, demanding they reinstate suspended host Jeremy Clarkson following his �fracas� with a show producer.

hot rod parts and car collection stash finally coming to public auction, the Bob Koepke sale

above, 1958 Porsche 356

The Ferrari needs a fuel pump, 65 thousand miles

3800 miles on this 73 Pantera... it still has the original tires... 42 years old original tires... that is pretty rare.

a prototype for a big-block version of the Cross Ram intake used on the 302 V-8 in the 1969 Camaro Z28, built by Yunick for General Motors and signed by him on the side.

58 Corvette body

there are at least four 427 tri power intakes

Some Smokey Yunick intakes, and a ludicrous amount of aluminum intakes by every aftermarket manufacturer ever... from Edmonds and Evans to Weiand and Fenton

even unusual superchagers

Found on

see the auction at  and bid for the next 22 days before the auction goes live

there are nine 57 Chevs, two of them are Nomads, and three 56 Nomads

The Pony Car Challenge... more than bragging rights, there is now a $3k purse for the new Mustang or Challenger that can beat Ken Thwait's Camaro

Will it be difficult? Yup. He raced in SCCA as a professional, has a Camaro collection, practices on a  driving simulator, and was the points champ at the 2014 Optima Challenge. And he's got 2014 and 2015 Z-28s.

In 2013, he started searching for the perfect collector Camaro and ended up with 25. (1969 Camaros include a JL8, a DZ 302, SS396, X77, X33, LS7, and a Yenko)

He can afford to have pros change his car for each of the challenges. Unlike a lot of the guys that come to have fun and only can afford to make to to the races with a car, Ken has his Camaro's set up completely switched to a different set up on Saturday for the Wilwood Disc Brakes Speed Stop and Detroit Speed Autocross events. Then switched over Saturday night for Sunday�s Falken Tire Hot Lap Challenge by Raymond�s Performance and Ultimate Performance, who modify and improves the car every weekend of competition to adjust and fine-tune the Camaro 1LE for each event

The challenge is simple- any newcomer to OPTIMA's Search for the Ultimate Street Car series, that can win the GT class at an OUSCI qualifying event, in a late-model Ford Mustang or Dodge Challenger wins $3,000 cash.

Winning the class would mean they'd beat Ken's Camaro, which has not proven to be an easy task so far. Ken won the GT class at the first event at Thunderhill, so the bounty now carries over to the next event at Texas Motor Speedway, where more than a dozen first-time Ford Mustang competitors have signed up.

To read a quick bio on Ken:

The next qualifying event in OPTIMA's Search for the Ultimate Street Car takes place at Texas Motor Speedway on March 28th and 29th. If you have a late-model Mustang or Challenger and you'd like a shot at the ponycar bounty or you'd just like to bring your street-legal car or truck out to the track for an incredible weekend, there's still time to sign up at

 If you don't have a car that can take down Thwaits' Camaro, but you'd like to see someone else give it a shot, you can buy VIP pit passes online as well. If you live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, you can pick up free VIP pit passes at participating Advance Auto Parts locations.

If the bounty goes unclaimed in Texas, it will carry over to the following dates and events:
 Las Vegas Motor Speedway April 25-26
NCM Raceway June 6-7
Michigan International Speedway June 20-21
Charlotte Motor Speedway July 25-26
Pike's Peak International Raceway Aug 8-9
Road America Aug 28-30
Auto Club Speedway Oct 10-11  to see Ken pull off the gloves and slap the opposition with his Pony Car Challenge

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

restoration of a 1930's Texaco in Decatur Il

There are several pages that show how this neglected service station was brought from the edge of abandoned neglect to primo condition in every way, but there is a terrific slide show at that you just push the forward button to see all sides and interior areas compared in a before and after.

The forest green roof and white color scheme is period perfect, researched by Nims and corroborated by ancient paint chips uncovered during the restoration. The cute colored advertising globe lights on little parapets adorning the roof have been put back in place, and a stained glass light-up Texaco star over the entrance shines out proudly after it was fabricated to match a missing original.

The big Texaco hanging sign crowning the forecourt is an original that Nims hunted up online, and the 14-foot fluted metal pole it hangs from were commissioned for the purpose. Matching 10-foot light poles � two at the front, two at the back � of the 80-foot-long forecourt were another re-created touch.

The 1,200-square-foot-building features work bays at the east and west ends with a little office in the middle flanked by a bathroom small enough to fit comfortably inside a Toyota Prius; hard-working auto service guys in the 1930s clearly weren�t meant to park themselves in the restrooms for extended periods. The work areas are lit by 6-by-6-foot windows that let vast quantities of daylight drive through the interior.

�There are over 300 panes of glass in this building, I do know that,� says Nims, 62. �I had to replace them all.�

Info and star photo from a big article on

the University of Pittsburgh was racing a 69 Camaro... some cool cars were used by some unusual organizations

The craziest is still the EPA owning a Super Bird to check emissions and brake dust on jet planes

Found on

Elvis had a 1971 Stutz Blackhawk that is going to auction for the 1st time.

in addition to the Blackhawk, the collection of Elvis cars includes
 a 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood � the famous Pink Cadillac �
a black 1960 Rolls-Royce Phantom,
a white 1966 Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud,
a 1975 Ferrari Dino,
 a 1956 Continental Mark II,
a 1969 Mercedes-Benz Pullman Limousine and a 1962 Lincoln Continental.

Julien's Auctions of Beverly Hills May 16 "Music Icons" auction will also be where the tour bus Elvis bought will find a new owner

The Stutz Blackhawk started life in the United States as a 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix, chosen for the GP's engine placement far back on the frame. It was then shipped to Italy to be converted. Only the engine and transmission were kept as the body was stripped away and a new body and coach work added - by hand - not machine, to transform the car into a Stutz Blackhawk.

The interior of the Stutz was very luxurious. The floor coverings were made of Australian lambs wool. Twenty four karat gold plates the bezels and moldings. Only the finest European leather covered the seats, and was used on the dash. The dash also consisted of beautiful English burl. The Stutz went through a six week long process with twenty-two coats of individually hand rubbed lacquer paint.

This second Stutz Blackhawk prototype was flown to the United States to demonstrate and display at car shows from which custom orders could be placed for cars to be made. That is until Elvis Presley decided he wanted the car.

Elvis then immediately turned the car over to George Barris to further customize it. Elvis had for many years, had several motor vehicles designed and coach built by his friend, 'The King of Customizers' George Barris.

Elvis purchased his second Blackhawk, this time a production model on September 8, 1971. This car was delivered to Elvis on September 9, 1971. The 1971 models were all two seater's with a small jump seat in the back that folded down to accept matching luggage. This 1971 model used a two piece split windshield.

Other famous owners including Sammy Davis Jr., Evel Knievel, Robert Goulet, Larry Holmes, Wille Nelson, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Lucille Ball, Wilson Pickett, Billy Joel, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Al Pacino, Frank Sinatra, Joseph Denney and Wayne Newton.

ostrich racing carts and around the farm ostrich wagons

Full gallery about an LA ostrich farm in 1900 at