Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

the Bicycle did �more to emancipate women than anything else in the world� ... Susan B Anthony

In June 1895, the Unique Cycling club of Chicago had a club laws that on all runs bloomers and knickerbockers shall be worn.

In New York World, a list of rules for women on bicycles was posted (and seem ludicrous now)

Don�t be a fright
Don�t faint on the road (Still a good idea)
Don�t wear a man�s cap
Don�t wear tight garters
Don�t forget your tool bag (Still a good idea)
Don�t attempt a �century�
Don�t coast. It is dangerous
Don�t boast of your long rides
Don�t criticize people�s �legs.�
Don�t wear loud hued leggings
Don�t cultivate a �bicycle face� (what the hell is that?)
Don�t refuse assistance up a hill
Don�t wear clothes that don�t fit (Still a good idea)
Don�t neglect a �light�s out� cry
Don�t wear jewellery while on a tour
Don�t race. Leave that to the scorchers
Don�t wear laced boots. They are tiresome (Still a good idea)
Don�t imagine everybody is looking at you
Don�t go to church in your bicycle costume (yeah... but hey, that's up to your church)
Don�t wear a garden party hat with bloomers
Don�t contest the right of way with cable cars (Still a good idea)
Don�t chew gum. Exercise your jaws in private
Don�t wear white kid gloves. Silk is the thing
Don�t ask, �What do you think of my bloomers?� (Still a good idea)
Don�t use bicycle slang. Leave that to the boys
Don�t go out after dark without a male escort
Don�t without a needle, thread and thimble
Don�t try to have every article of your attire �match�
Don�t let your golden hair be hanging down your back
Don�t allow dear little Fido to accompany you (Still a good idea)
Don�t scratch a match on the seat of your bloomers
Don�t discuss bloomers with every man you know (Still a good idea)
Don�t appear in public until you have learned to ride well
Don�t overdo things
Let cycling be a recreation, not a labor
Don�t ignore the laws of the road because you are a woman
Don�t try to ride in your brother�s clothes �to see how it feels�
Don�t scream if you meet a cow. If she sees you first, she will run
Don�t cultivate everything that is up to date because you ride a wheel
Don�t emulate your brother�s attitude if he rides parallel with the ground
Don�t undertake a long ride if you are not confident of performing it easily
Don�t appear to be up on �records� and �record smashing.� That is sporty. and

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